The Next Ten Years

Written by Lawrence Yoo
The Sunday we celebrated Waypoint’s anniversary, Peter shared Philippians 1:6 for our benediction: “I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
When I think of the good work that God has been doing and our hope that he will continue, three categories stand out: the work God is doing in our hearts, the work he is doing our community, and the work he is doing in the world.
In Our Hearts
I am thankful for the many tools the Holy Spirit is using to transform us into the image of Christ like going through all the books of the Bible these past ten years, to community groups, to Bible studies, to sweet fellowship opportunities within our diverse group of believers. We’ve also been shaped by walking through hard things and in our grieving we’ve learned to trust in Christ as our anchor and look forward to when He makes all things new. And through our rejoicing, we’ve experienced the goodness of God in the land of the living, and we’ve gotten a forestate of the celebration to come. My prayer is that we will take advantage of opportunities to grow in our faith, as we continue to look to Jesus in good times and hard times as he’s shaping us into this likeness.
In Our Community
I am blown away at the story God is writing within our community. He has allowed us to be a part of loving children and families through foster care, adoption, buddy ministry, and backpack buddies. We’ve been able to partner with Samaritan’s Health and World Relief, Dwell and campus ministries. He’s grown our youth group by bringing in students from both inside and outside our church. You can imagine my excitement last Sunday when two girls from the youth group grabbed Sydnie and then excitedly ran over to me to tell me they wanted to be baptized! We want to continue to be a church that blesses our community, sees God’s kingdom advance here bringing justice, mercy, and new life.
In the World
In recent years God has called us to be a part of the work He is doing in Malaysia, the Gambia and the Dominican Republic. We want to continue these partnerships with renewed vigor and passion and have open hands to opportunities throughout the world.
I pray that Waypoint Church will continue to live out the vision of being a local church that loves the triangle and loves the nations for the next ten years and beyond!