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Reading the Bible Together in 2022

Waypoint Church

Written by Danny Castiglione

In January of 2020, our church body set out on a two-year journey to walk through the entire Bible. Through our sermon series, we covered the Torah (Genesis-Deuteronomy), James, the Apostles Creed, Romans, Advent-The Messiah, Matthew, Isaiah, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, 1 John, and Revelation. This selection was intentional to help us see the big picture of the Bible and to show us the good news that God is rescuing his people from Genesis to Revelation. This two-year plan was part of our bigger plan at Waypoint to teach through the entire Bible in ten years.

The Bible reading plan we started in 2020 was the first one we had done at Waypoint and we are so grateful for the past two years of learning and growing from the Word. For 2022, we want to continue reading the Bible together as a congregation by inviting everyone to read through the New Testament. This year we will have sermon series going through Galatians, Colossians, and parts of Mark’s gospel, and we also will be covering almost all the Old Testament historical narrative sections—Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chronicles. So, we thought it would be a great year to balance that out with a slow and steady reading of the New Testament. With this plan there is also an option to read through the Psalms as well.

Join us in 2022 as we read through the New Testament and the Psalms.

The weekly Bible reading plan can be found here: Waypoint 2022 Bible Reading Plan (New Testament and the Psalms)–on that website link you can add the readings to your calendar app.

If you want to only see the New Testament readings they are here and the Psalms readings are here.

If you need a printable checklist, here is one by weeks and here is one by months.

If you ever have any questions or thoughts, please email me.

May God's Word speak to you and encourage you as you meditate on it each week!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Danny

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