Praying Together
Written by Lawrence Yoo At a recent leadership council meeting we discussed some of the challenges, issues, and hurts we, and fellow Waypoint members, are facing, and we were suddenly struck with a profound sense of our need for God. We were hit with a desire to stop and say, “God , we need you!" Why is that we often need to come to the end of ourselves before we realize our need of God? We tend to build up an illusion that we have everything under control, but we are always desperate for God. Waypoint Church, it is my heart’s desire that we understand our constant need for the grace, goodness, and power of God. To that end, I want to invite everyone to be united in a time of prayer and fasting from August 19, 20, and 21. We want our church to be of one mind and spirit as we ask God to move mightily in our midst, reveal His direction for us, and heal us of the wounds we carry. We believe prayer is God’s appointed means of enacting his will, and we want to see his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Please consider fasting in some way and join ing us in prayer as you are able. We’ll be sending out a prayer and fasting guide for that time, and we will also be hosting prayer nights on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 6:30pm. Monday night will b e focused on schools, educators , students, and campus ministers. Tuesday night is set aside to intercede for and encourage one another, as well as a time also to confess and repent. Wednesday night will be dedicated to praying for church: staff, leadership, unity, protection, and vision. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.” -Philippians 4:6