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Prayers for Sabbatical

Waypoint Church

Written by Lawrence Yoo

Thank you so much for the opportunity to go on Sabbatical. I am excited about what God will do in this time. The purpose of a Sabbatical is renewal, refreshment, and self-study. Towards that end, please pray for me that I may receive the most benefit during this time. Here are the three major ways you can be praying:

Abiding Rest

Please pray that I will receive true rest. Not just physical rest, but the kind that comes from abiding and trusting in the Lord. I desire a strengthening in my relationship with Jesus and a deepening in my dependence on him. My tendency is self-reliance, but I want my tendency to be Christ-reliance. The challenges of being a pastor are beyond my strength. I need this more than ever.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”-John 15:5

New Vision for the Next 10 Years

It’s been amazing to see what God done at Waypoint in the past seven years! I praise him for all the ways he has blessed us. At the same time, I recognize that at this point in our journey it could be easy to drift into going along with the status quo. I don’t want to be content with that, but to seek where God is calling us to go and grow. I pray for renewed passion and purpose as we seek to advance his kingdom in our community and in the nations.

“Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.”-Psalm 96:2-3

Special School for the Overlooked

There has been an idea that has been stirring in mine and Jina’s heart and mind for a couple of years now. We desire a school where Josiah (and other students like him) will get the opportunities to learn and grow to the best of his ability. This is not a critique of our local public and private schools, but we have seen firsthand that it is difficult for those who don’t fit into the current molds we have now. So, our desire would be to seek the Lord to see if He would like us to start a school geared toward the students who have fallen through the cracks. Obviously, there are many things that would need to fall into place for this to happen, but we are asking our good Father to guide us if this is his will.

For more information about Lawrence’s Sabbatical, here is the letter the elders put together


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