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Jesus Loves the Little Children

Waypoint Church

Written by Fine Song

Every second Sunday of the month I get to participate in the joy of taking care of Cruisers at Waypoint Kids. And when I say joy, I truly mean it! Having been at Waypoint Church for almost 3 years, being part of the children’s ministry started out more as an obligation - that if you have a child in Waypoint Kids, it’s expected at some point, if you’re a member, to join the volunteer pool. Plus, they had these cool shirts that the volunteers wore that had me envying.

Some mornings are a struggle as my own family with 3 children have trouble getting ready to go to church at the regular time, not to mention earlier on volunteer mornings (sorry I’m late sometimes, Toni!). As each child gets dropped off in our Cruisers classroom, some are crying for their parent while others remain quiet and shy. But by the end of our time, we are listening to stories, singing hymns, playing red light-green light and happily munching on our Cheerios.

I love the children at Waypoint because Jesus loves them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me” (Matthew 19:14). I can’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to take care and love on these children. I certainly come away every volunteer Sunday feeling more blessed from the opportunity than I feel I have contributed to helping.

As Waypoint is transitioning to two services and I am transitioning with my two and half year old to the lower preschool class, I am leaving behind an excellent Cruisers group. Whether you have kids or not, please consider volunteering with Waypoint Kids - you will come away with more than you will give.

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