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In Honor of Foster Care Awareness Month

Waypoint Church

Here at Waypoint we want to take seriously the call to pray and care for children in vulnerable situations. In honor of Foster Care Awareness Month, I have gathered some of our previous posts about foster care:

Here is a helpful overview of the foster care system written by our Director of Children’s Ministry: Called to Foster. Megan no longer works as a foster care specialist, but she would still love to sit and talk with you about any questions you might have:

Last Mother’s Day, Candace Petty shared this reflection about her experience as a foster parent: Launching Arrows. She would also love to talk with you:

Last Fall, Dylan Wells wrote about their family’s experience with fostering and reunification: Foster Care from a Different Point of View (and he would also love to answer any questions you might have:

Lastly, Rebekah Dorris shared about Safe Families, a ministry that seeks to help families before foster care is necessary: Introducing Safe Families. Please contact Rebekah if you would like to be involved:

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”-James 1:27


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