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God Will Provide

Waypoint Church

Written by Amelia Punt

I asked Jesus into my life at an early age, but I truly said yes to him on a Wednesday night at Camp Pinnacle in Clayton, GA when a missionary shared her testimony about serving God in Cambodia. With a campfire glimmering onto her face and in a soft voice, she shared how the government had taken her to a prison for sharing about Jesus. They only gave her dirty water to drink and a small, dark room to sit in with other women. But instead of questioning why she was taken there, she continued to share about Him and people came to know Jesus! This international missionary may not know it, but through sharing her trials and serving the Lord, she embedded the truth in my soul that God provides our needs no matter the circumstance, even when I have the tendency of forgetting his provision.

I had never experienced a “dark trial” until my junior year in high school when my dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Hodkins Lymphoma–a should have been death sentence. Both he and my mom were at the hospital for half the year and during that time, I chose to put up a front, hide, and deal with my emotions somewhere else. I hid my emotions by turning good things into idols. Those idols became sins and my sins seemed too big for God to redeem. It was a vicious cycle of sinning and repenting and sinning and repenting. I had forgotten who the God I had said yes to all those years ago. How could God save my dad and even me if I had disobeyed Him many times, over and over again? Inside I doubted if God would provide for my family physically and financially. I had turned away from Him secretly, while outwardly glorifying Him.

The Lord did provide not only a physical and financial healing, but a spiritual healing. In the midst of my doubts, hurt, and hiding, God healed my dad’s body and he has continued to be in remission to this day. God taught me that He is a forgiving and merciful God who always says, “Come to me” when we have repentant hearts.

When I wanted to go to Samford, He provided financially so that I would be able to attend Samford, where God graciously gave me friends and a husband. When my parents suffered financially, He provided in ways that are unimaginable by using other people in the church. When my major at college was being dissolved, God provided another major, including more financial provision. When J and I decided to move to Durham, God provided! When I was lonely and needed community, God provided Waypoint. While they were not immediate answered prayers, God saw me in the dark moments and provided.

God has provided my needs each step of the way, even when it’s difficult to trust, and even when we doubt Him. He has and will always provide your needs. God does not promise that we will not suffer or struggle, but that we must trust Him that He is a good Father who knows us and knows what we need and when we need it. He hears your cries when the money doesn’t add up, depression and/or anxiety creeps in, a death happens, or you’re lonely. Whatever your cry is to the Lord, He hears you! He provides our needs according to His purpose. Trust Him.

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all I need” -Psalm 23:1NLT


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