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Blessed Are You, The Mother

Waypoint Church

Written by Mary-Claire Derrickson

Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who endures long months as she awaits her infant's arrival. Months filled with worry, fear, hope, and expectancy.


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who sacrifices sleep to care for those who are awake. When the stars are twinkling and the world is quiet. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who watches her child with worry, studying their every move and questioning what to do next. When waiting for answers feels like a never-ending game. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who hands her child over to others each day, trusting them to provide loving care while she provides for her family and cares for others. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who worries she isn’t giving enough of herself.

While, at the same time, her family views her as their true hero-brave, strong and ever-present. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who worries about each food she consumes while spending countless hours nursing. She gives up personal desire and pleasures all for her littlest one. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who constantly asks “what’s next?” while reviewing 10 different scenarios. When fear is loud and certainty is quiet. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Whose womb remains empty despite prayers of desperation and longing. When God’s “no” stings more and more each year. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who deeply loves children she did not birth. Who is safety, respite and true rest to all her enter her home. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who is weary. When the world doesn’t slow and the calendar is full. When she pours out all she has and runs on empty. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who cares for children with different abilities. Who knows her child’s IEP better than her own history. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Whose schedule is filled with appointments not her own. Therapies, services and resources poured out for those she loves without time to care for herself. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who embraces every part of her child- all while teaching others how to love every aspect, difference and uniqueness. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who is in waiting. Who asks themselves “Is this it?” or “what now?” just as often as her little ones say “mama”. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who can’t decide if or when to welcome in a stranger's child, while protecting and providing for her own. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Whose children are sick. When medicines and nourishment only provide so much. When her loving touch is just what the doctor ordered for true healing. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who kisses every injury. Who comforts all the tears and referees all the disagreements. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother

Who shows up for her community. Making meals, sharing advice, sitting in the hard and being willing to do it all for the love of her friends. 


Blessed Are You, The Mother 

Who relies on her Father in heaven for strength, endurance, patience and grace. 


May you, all mothers, always seek Him, desire Him, and turn to Him in and through all




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