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Being & Becoming: Serving by Working as a Guardian Ad Litem

Waypoint Church

Written by Angelica Cuany

This past year I became a Guardian Ad litem. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1 and 3 children will be a part of a Child Protective Services in their lifetime. As soon as an investigation is opened, the child is assigned a “Court Appointed Special Advocate.” In North Carolina, this is called the Guardian Ad Litem (or GAL). The GAL is a volunteer trained in the court system to get to know the child and report to the court what is in their best interest. These children can be as young as newborns or as old as 17-year-olds, but the goal is to get the most well-rounded view of the case as possible. It often involves visiting the child in their home (either with biological family or foster family), getting to know the people in their lives, talking with teachers, therapists, and doctors, and ultimately also asking the child what their wishes are. Every time the case goes to court, whether that be every 60 days, every 6 months, or somewhere in between, the GAL prepares a detailed report for the judge. This report records where the child’s current placement is, how they are doing, what any unmet needs are, and ultimately makes a recommendation towards the child’s permanent custody.

A lot of my time is spent behind the scenes, researching programs and resources in the community that may enrich the life of the child I’ve been assigned to. I’m frequently trying to find mentoring opportunities, job shadowing programs, and no-cost tutoring. It is also the job of the GAL to look for community services that would benefit the whole family, such as suitable affordable housing and reliable transportation.

I got into this work after encountering students in my classroom who are in the process of CPS investigations. In my six years as a fifth and sixth grade teacher, I have watched numerous kids enter the family court system. It is almost always a long and grueling process full of confusion, anger, and guilt, and my heart aches for them. I knew I wanted to get involved in the child welfare system in some capacity, but I didn’t know what would be the right fit for me. I did some research and came across the Guardian Ad Litem program. It seemed to work well with the strengths and talents - and also the limitations - God has given me in this stage of life. I spent my summer going through a six-week training course and attending court observations before getting started in the field this August.

While my experience is just beginning, it has already changed both who I am as a person and as an educator. It has allowed me to spend time with people in my local community with whom I would otherwise never cross paths. It has opened my eyes to different hardships that families and children face, and it has certainly grown my empathy. It has also allowed me to see the resilience of the human spirit as God has designed. I have learned to rest in the fact that God is a God of justice who will one day fix this broken world.

I have a few prayer requests I’d like to share with the church. One would be for me specifically, that God would equip me and work through me as a vessel. For many children, the Guardian Ad Litem steps in during one of the most traumatic moments of their lives. My inadequacies and different lived experiences are never more apparent than when doing this work, but I know that God works through my weaknesses when he calls me to serve. Another prayer request is for the family court system in general. I pray for continued Christian presence to fill all areas of the court process, that God’s ambassadors are there to do His will in a system where the devastation of sin is so evident. 

As I proceed in this work, I will continue to be encouraged by how I see God work in both big and small ways. I will choose to rest in peace knowing that nothing is a surprise to Him and He has ultimately won the battle. His character is consistent; His promises are secure - for me, and for the children I serve in the court system.

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