A Prayer for Hospitality to Refugees
Written by Christian Jernigan, originally for our congregational prayer on 2.16.25
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name!
In this moment, we as a congregation pause.
It is to you our Father in Heaven that we pray...
We ask that you open our hearts.
We ask that you will show us ourselves.
We ask that we will see You.
We ask that you bring repentance in us.
Help us to see you.
Help us to know that in you there is life.
Help us to understand that you are the way.
Today, we specifically ask that you enlarge our hearts.
We ask that we will see and know how great your love is for us in Christ Jesus.
All that we have, is because of you.
We started with nothing and have nothing to offer
but what we have received has been all from you.
We have received you. You have given us your Son.
In this context, help us to see the world around us.
We pray for the ongoing struggles in our world.
Today, many are in need and in dire circumstances.
Many in the world today are fleeing their homelands because they are in danger and need.
We live in a nation of abundance and plenty.
We thank you that there are organizations that assist the refugee and the marginalized.
In this moment in time, resources for these organizations have been cut off. They are unable to assist and meet the needs of the most vulnerable.
So we ask, that as your body: You will open our hearts, our wallets and our homes.
We know that all that we have is because of you.
Enlarge our hearts! Help us to know that in you there is life and a better way.
Help us follow you.
May we give in joy.
May we give in faith.
May we give sacrificially as you have given to us.
Lord, we know this does not come easy. We need you.
May your Spirit move us to be compassionate and generosity.
Empower us by your strength. If we endeavor by our righteousness and strength to assist those in need, we will fail.
Lord, now is the moment for your church to trust you and love their neighbor.
Give us your heart for the poor and vulnerable.
Help us to see the sojourner and refugee.
Open up our lives to be the be the body of Christ to a hurting world.
We ask that you do lift up the refugee and the downtrodden.
We ask that you empower your church to love and compassion.
We ask in the name of our Savior, Jesus. Amen.
If you would like to learn more about ways to serve refugees in our community, reach out to James Shafto, our local missions director, james@waypointrdu.com
We partner as a church with World Relief Durham in caring for refugees in our community.