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The Choir, a Reflection of Heaven

Waypoint Church

Updated: May 25, 2021

Written by Genia Cozart

Music is a beautiful medium of worship, and just when you think it cannot get any better, you walk into the sanctuary and experience God's people engaging in songs of praise.

The prophet Isaiah gives us a glimpse into God’s throne room with angels singing together, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6:3). John paints a similar picture in the book of Revelation, showing us there is a heavenly choir that sings God’s praises for all eternity.

When we see our friends and family in the choir singing in harmony of voice and spirit, I believe we are momentarily transported (even if only in our minds) to the throne room of Heaven. Furthermore, we often see a wide array of ages, ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds on display in the choir. This too, is a reflection of Heaven – God’s people, of every age and every race, worshipping together as one body.

Does that little bit of information pique your interest in joining the choir or tug at you just a little? Maybe? Well outside of what I just shared, please consider this… that being a choir member allows you to be involved in one of the many intricate ministries of the church, helps the church to have both an effective in-reach and outreach, and lastly an amazing worship experience! The choir is an opportunity for involvement. A church’s ministry is only as effective as the people in its congregation who choose to get involved. Small groups, outreach teams, and the arts have provided great opportunities for congregants to sow into the life of their church’s ministry, and the choir falls under all three of those categories. I’ve often heard the choir referred to as “the church within the church.” When you join a choir, you’re not just singing notes together, you’re doing life and ministry together. Not convinced to join yet? Good, I'm not finished! Many of you may not have thought about this, but the choir is an extension of the pulpit. There are so many fantastic songs that have been written for the church and the body of Christ and many that have yet to be written. There are songs that teach, encourage, compel, and call to action, and the choir is a marvelous mouthpiece for such things. By presenting these kinds of songs, the choir takes on an exhortative psalmist role (for lack of a better understanding), and it brings a rich dynamic to the theme or message of a particular service. This is especially effective in services with a missional focus or special services like those during Passover or the Christmas season (hint, hint). Now for MY personal reason for anyone to join the worship choir is that we must not discount the richness the choir brings to the church’s worship experience. I think many would be surprised by the long-lasting effect a choir program can have on a church service. If your childhood church is anything like mine, the choir was a long-held tradition of praise and worshipful music sung by anyone who has the love of God in his heart - - aka Radicals for Christ. Just because something is thought of as “traditional” doesn’t mean it’s not relevant for the body of Christ today. Watching the choir members in uninhibited praise and worship demonstrated to me various means of worship. It was clear that no two people worshipped the same and THAT'S OKAY! Some raised their hands, closed their eyes and wept, clapped or sung very, very loud like Deacon Jones! It's all beautiful in God's sight. Let’s show how various parts of the body of Christ are working and moving forward together in the choir into a richer and fuller life with Christ!

Finally, with all that has been said, we invite you to join us as we put together a grand Christmas Worship Choir! Don't have time during the week? No problem! Rehearsals are on the weekend! Saturday to be exact. You said you can't commit to every Saturday. Good, because we only require two, but any additional time you have or find, we'll take! But wait, you say… I would love to, but I can't participate because I don’t have anyone to watch my child or children. Well you know I have a response to that as well and it is bring your children because while you are rehearsing, childcare will be provided. All you need to do is reserve a spot! Lastly you say that you can't sing like Jina Yoo, Jere Essig, Nathan Walker or Genia Holder-Cozart. Great, because we already have one of each. We need you to bring your own voice and a heart of worship. God will do the rest! Can’t wait to see you at rehearsal!!

If you are interested in learning how you can be a part of the Waypoint Christmas Choir, please email Sharon at


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