"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:18
At Waypoint, we desire to live in intentionally diverse community, encouraging one another towards the purpose God has for us.
We believe we are all sojourners and aliens in this world, but the gospel brings forth true belonging in a land that is not our own. Our union in Christ Jesus is greater than any other bond that might unite us or any other barrier that might divide us.
We believe this kind of community powerfully displays the unifying work of the gospel.

World Relief Good Neighbor Teams:
What: Since Waypoint church's beginning, we've had the privilege of partnering with World Relief Durham to welcome new refugee families as they resettle in the USA. The main way we partner with World Relief is through good neighbor teams.
A good neighbor team is made up of about 8-12 people, and the team's primary job is to be friend a newly arriving refugee family for six to 12 months. Ways of providing tangible care include an airport welcome, apartment set-up, provision of initial food and clothing, transportation to appointments, school registration, community orientation, English tutoring and job preparation.
Why: Refugees are survivors, leaders, teachers, artists, dreamers, and laborers. They are children, forgotten, persecuted, made in God’s image, our new neighbors, and our future friends. At Waypoint church, we are keen on mobilizing members to befriend refugee families.
When: The various responsibilities of a good neighbor team could take place anytime throughout the week. An interest meeting will take place on October 2nd, followed by a volunteer training on October 8th.
How: How can those of us receiving these families into our community best respond? Material needs and tangible service is helpful but the greatest gift we can give is friendship, community, belonging, and acceptance as we value their stories, dreams, and contributions.
Ways of providing tangible care include an airport welcome, apartment set-up, provision of initial food and clothing, transportation to appointments, school registration, community orientation, English tutoring, and job preparation.There are a variety of roles that are needed to form a good neighbor team.
Email James@waypointrdu.com if you are interested or have more questions.
International Student Ministry: 
We have a variety of ways to be involved in serving International students here in the Triangle. These range from hosting a group of students in your home for monthly meals, being a conversation partner, taking students grocery shopping, giving students rides to church, or helping out at an event.
Email Danny@waypointrdu.com to hear the latest ways you can be involved.
Local Missions Event Team:
There are a number of recurring local missions events (Duke Manor Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Caroling, etc.) throughout the year. We need a team of volunteers to help with logistics and engagement in these events.
Email James@waypointrdu.com if you would like to be included in the team of people who help with these events.
What: Helping refugee and immigrant kids with their homework and any other subjects they may need some extra help in, along with building relationships and sharing the gospel with them.
Why: Many immigrants and refugees have moved here from different countries that don’t speak English. This is a big challenge for their kids, who are sent to school and are expected to perform at the same level as other English speaking kids. Immigrant and refugee parents are unable to help their kids, as they also don’t speak English. Tutoring would also be very expensive for these families. So as a Church that is called to carry God’s mission here in the Triangle, we found it fitting to help these kids and provide free tutoring as a means of blessing the community with the resources that we have been blessed with. Engaging in Waypoint’s cross-cultural ministry through helping children with their homework is a crucial link to the gospel for that child and their family.
How: The goal is to have Church volunteers help these kids with their school work once a week. Resources will be provided, and it would be helpful if you had resources you’d like to share as well. We would love for you, as the church, to be part of showing the love of Christ by walking alongside these immigrant and refugee families.
Email James@waypointrdu.com if you are interested or have more questions.
Waypoint has had the opportunity to provide supplemental meals for children in need throughout the school year in our local community.
We need prepackaged food donations and volunteers to pack bags the last Sunday of the month. You can drop off food items throughout the week and
Email apple.april45@yahoo.com if you are interested in helping pack the bags.​​
Waypoint is partnering with The Village Durham's mission to support family preservation by connecting parents in crisis to relationships and organizations in our community that can help.
Email Connect@thevillagedurham.org for more information.