GROW together in the Word as we build each other up in Christ.
CARE for one other as we apply the truths of the gospel to our lives.
SERVE together as we make the love of Christ known in the Triangle.

At Waypoint, community groups are one of the primary spaces for us to fellowship, worship, and grow together.
We believe regular gatherings among the family of God are vital to growing in our relationship with Jesus.
On a weekly and monthly basis, we purpose to eat, pray, sing, study, and serve together as we make it our habit to stir one another up for love and good works (Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:24-25).
We also desire to develop gospel-shaped relationships in which we can be fully known and fully loved as we hold fast to our hope in Jesus and are held accountable to His Word.
We want to be a preview of coming attractions; a community that bears witness to the saving work of Christ as we proclaim His good news among our neighbors.